AVRCpp Namespace Reference

Base functions and classes. More...


class  MultiPortInputPins
class  MultiPortOutputPins
class  CombinedInputPins
class  CombinedOutputPins
class  FlagsBuffer
class  FlagsBuffer8
class  FlagsBuffer16
struct  Bit0
struct  Bit1
struct  Bit2
struct  Bit3
struct  Bit4
struct  Bit5
struct  Bit6
struct  Bit7
struct  Port
struct  OutputPins
struct  InputPins
struct  Pins
struct  Bits
struct  BasicInterrupt
struct  Interrupt
struct  InputPin0
struct  OutputPin0
struct  Pin0
struct  InputPin1
struct  OutputPin1
struct  Pin1
struct  InputPin2
struct  OutputPin2
struct  Pin2
struct  InputPin3
struct  OutputPin3
struct  Pin3
struct  InputPin4
struct  OutputPin4
struct  Pin4
struct  InputPin5
struct  OutputPin5
struct  Pin5
struct  InputPin6
struct  OutputPin6
struct  Pin6
struct  InputPin7
struct  OutputPin7
struct  Pin7
struct  _SREG
struct  _SPH
struct  _SPL
struct  _GICR
struct  _GIFR
struct  _TIMSK
struct  _TIFR
struct  _SPMCR
struct  _EMCUCR
struct  _MCUCR
struct  _MCUCSR
struct  _TCCR0
struct  _TCNT0
struct  _OCR0
struct  _SFIOR
struct  _TCCR1A
struct  _TCCR1B
struct  _TCNT1H
struct  _TCNT1L
struct  _OCR1AH
struct  _OCR1AL
struct  _OCR1BH
struct  _OCR1BL
struct  _ICR1H
struct  _ICR1L
struct  _WDTCR
struct  _UBRRH
struct  _UCSRC
struct  _EEARH
struct  _EEARL
struct  _EEDR
struct  _EECR
struct  _PORTA
struct  _DDRA
struct  _PINA
struct  _PORTB
struct  _DDRB
struct  _PINB
struct  _PORTC
struct  _DDRC
struct  _PINC
struct  _PORTD
struct  _DDRD
struct  _PIND
struct  _SPDR
struct  _SPSR
struct  _SPCR
struct  _UDR
struct  _UCSRA
struct  _UCSRB
struct  _UBRRL
struct  _ACSR
struct  _PORTE
struct  _DDRE
struct  _PINE
struct  _OSCCAL
struct  _SP
struct  _TCNT1
struct  _OCR1A
struct  _OCR1B
struct  _ICR1


namespace  AnalogToDigital
 Analog to digital converter.
namespace  Assembler
 To insert machine code explicitly into the program.
namespace  Collection
 Classes for different types of arrays, queues and strings.
namespace  EEPROM
 Functionality of EEPROM memory.
namespace  ExternalInterrupt
 Functionality of external interrupts.
namespace  GlobalInterrupts
 Enabling and disabling global interrupts.
namespace  Internal
 Only for library's internal use.
namespace  Sleeping
 Power management and sleep modes.
namespace  Timer
 Functionality of Timers/Counters.
namespace  USART
 Functionality of Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter interfaces.


typedef volatile uint16_treg16_t
typedef volatile uint8_treg8_t
typedef Port< _DDRA, _PORTA,
typedef Port< _DDRB, _PORTB,
typedef Port< _DDRC, _PORTC,
typedef Port< _DDRD, _PORTD,
typedef Port< _DDRE, _PORTE,


template<class Register>
void SetBits (typename Register::Type flags)
template<class Register>
void ClearBits (typename Register::Type flags)
template<class Register>
void SetBitsTo (typename Register::Type flags, bool value)
template<class Register>
void ToggleBits (typename Register::Type flags)
template<class Register>
void ChangeBits (typename Register::Type selection, typename Register::Type value)
template<class Register>
Register::Type SelectBits (typename Register::Type selection)
template<class Register>
bool IsAnyBitSet (typename Register::Type flags)
template<class Register>
bool IsBitsSet (typename Register::Type flags)

Detailed Description

Base functions and classes.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct Port< _DDRA, _PORTA, _PINA > AVRCpp::PortA

Definition at line 456 of file IO.h.

typedef struct Port< _DDRB, _PORTB, _PINB > AVRCpp::PortB

Definition at line 457 of file IO.h.

typedef struct Port< _DDRC, _PORTC, _PINC > AVRCpp::PortC

Definition at line 458 of file IO.h.

typedef struct Port< _DDRD, _PORTD, _PIND > AVRCpp::PortD

Definition at line 459 of file IO.h.

typedef struct Port< _DDRE, _PORTE, _PINE > AVRCpp::PortE

Definition at line 460 of file IO.h.

typedef volatile uint16_t& AVRCpp::reg16_t

Definition at line 51 of file IO.h.

typedef volatile uint8_t& AVRCpp::reg8_t

Definition at line 52 of file IO.h.

Function Documentation

template<class Register>
void AVRCpp::ChangeBits ( typename Register::Type  selection,
typename Register::Type  value 
) [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file IO.h.

00082         {
00083                 typename Register::Type tmp = Register::Get() & ~selection;
00085                 value &= selection;
00086                 Register::Set(tmp + value);
00088         } // ChangeBits

template<class Register>
void AVRCpp::ClearBits ( typename Register::Type  flags  )  [inline]

Definition at line 60 of file IO.h.

00061         {
00062                 Register::Set(Register::Get() & ~flags);
00064         } // ClearBits

template<class Register>
bool AVRCpp::IsAnyBitSet ( typename Register::Type  flags  )  [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file IO.h.

00098         {
00099                 return SelectBits<Register>(flags) != 0 ? true : false;
00101         } // IsBitsSet

template<class Register>
bool AVRCpp::IsBitsSet ( typename Register::Type  flags  )  [inline]

Definition at line 103 of file IO.h.

00104         {
00105                 return SelectBits<Register>(flags) == flags ? true : false;
00107         } // IsAllBitsSet

template<class Register>
Register::Type AVRCpp::SelectBits ( typename Register::Type  selection  )  [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file IO.h.

00092         {
00093                 return Register::Get() & selection;
00095         } // IsBitsSet

template<class Register>
void AVRCpp::SetBits ( typename Register::Type  flags  )  [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file IO.h.

00055         {
00056                 Register::Set(Register::Get() | flags);
00058         } // SetBits

template<class Register>
void AVRCpp::SetBitsTo ( typename Register::Type  flags,
bool  value 
) [inline]

Definition at line 66 of file IO.h.

00067         {
00068                 if (value)
00069                         SetBits<Register>(flags);
00070                 else
00071                         ClearBits<Register>(flags);
00073         } // SetBitsTo

template<class Register>
void AVRCpp::ToggleBits ( typename Register::Type  flags  )  [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file IO.h.

00076         {
00077                 Register::Set(Register::Get() ^ flags);
00079         } // ToggleBits

Generated on Sat Sep 15 23:41:35 2007 for AVR C++ Lib for ATmega8515 by  doxygen 1.5.2
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