#include <avr/cpp/IO.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | AVRCpp |
Classes | |
struct | AVRCpp::_SREG |
struct | AVRCpp::_SPH |
struct | AVRCpp::_SPL |
struct | AVRCpp::_GICR |
struct | AVRCpp::_GIFR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TIMSK |
struct | AVRCpp::_TIFR |
struct | AVRCpp::_SPMCR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TWCR |
struct | AVRCpp::_MCUCR |
struct | AVRCpp::_MCUCSR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCCR0 |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCNT0 |
struct | AVRCpp::_OSCCAL |
struct | AVRCpp::_SFIOR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCCR1A |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCCR1B |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCNT1H |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCNT1L |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR1AH |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR1AL |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR1BH |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR1BL |
struct | AVRCpp::_ICR1H |
struct | AVRCpp::_ICR1L |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCCR2 |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCNT2 |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR2 |
struct | AVRCpp::_ASSR |
struct | AVRCpp::_WDTCR |
struct | AVRCpp::_UBRRH |
struct | AVRCpp::_UCSRC |
struct | AVRCpp::_EEARH |
struct | AVRCpp::_EEARL |
struct | AVRCpp::_EEDR |
struct | AVRCpp::_EECR |
struct | AVRCpp::_PORTB |
struct | AVRCpp::_DDRB |
struct | AVRCpp::_PINB |
struct | AVRCpp::_PORTC |
struct | AVRCpp::_DDRC |
struct | AVRCpp::_PINC |
struct | AVRCpp::_PORTD |
struct | AVRCpp::_DDRD |
struct | AVRCpp::_PIND |
struct | AVRCpp::_SPDR |
struct | AVRCpp::_SPSR |
struct | AVRCpp::_SPCR |
struct | AVRCpp::_UDR |
struct | AVRCpp::_UCSRA |
struct | AVRCpp::_UCSRB |
struct | AVRCpp::_UBRRL |
struct | AVRCpp::_ACSR |
struct | AVRCpp::_ADMUX |
struct | AVRCpp::_ADCSRA |
struct | AVRCpp::_ADCH |
struct | AVRCpp::_ADCL |
struct | AVRCpp::_TWDR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TWAR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TWSR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TWBR |
struct | AVRCpp::_TCNT1 |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR1A |
struct | AVRCpp::_OCR1B |
struct | AVRCpp::_ICR1 |
struct | AVRCpp::_ADC |
Defines | |
#define | _SREG_I 0x80 |
#define | _SREG_T 0x40 |
#define | _SREG_H 0x20 |
#define | _SREG_S 0x10 |
#define | _SREG_V 0x8 |
#define | _SREG_N 0x4 |
#define | _SREG_Z 0x2 |
#define | _SREG_C 0x1 |
#define | _SP10 0x4 |
#define | _SP9 0x2 |
#define | _SP8 0x1 |
#define | _SP7 0x80 |
#define | _SP6 0x40 |
#define | _SP5 0x20 |
#define | _SP4 0x10 |
#define | _SP3 0x8 |
#define | _SP2 0x4 |
#define | _SP1 0x2 |
#define | _SP0 0x1 |
#define | _INT1 0x80 |
#define | _INT0 0x40 |
#define | _IVSEL 0x2 |
#define | _IVCE 0x1 |
#define | _INTF1 0x80 |
#define | _INTF0 0x40 |
#define | _OCIE2 0x80 |
#define | _TOIE2 0x40 |
#define | _TICIE1 0x20 |
#define | _OCIE1A 0x10 |
#define | _OCIE1B 0x8 |
#define | _TOIE1 0x4 |
#define | _TOIE0 0x1 |
#define | _OCF2 0x80 |
#define | _TOV2 0x40 |
#define | _ICF1 0x20 |
#define | _OCF1A 0x10 |
#define | _OCF1B 0x8 |
#define | _TOV1 0x4 |
#define | _TOV0 0x1 |
#define | _SPMIE 0x80 |
#define | _RWWSB 0x40 |
#define | _RWWSRE 0x10 |
#define | _BLBSET 0x8 |
#define | _PGWRT 0x4 |
#define | _PGERS 0x2 |
#define | _SPMEN 0x1 |
#define | _TWINT 0x80 |
#define | _TWEA 0x40 |
#define | _TWSTA 0x20 |
#define | _TWSTO 0x10 |
#define | _TWWC 0x8 |
#define | _TWEN 0x4 |
#define | _TWIE 0x1 |
#define | _SE 0x80 |
#define | _SM2 0x40 |
#define | _SM1 0x20 |
#define | _SM0 0x10 |
#define | _ISC11 0x8 |
#define | _ISC10 0x4 |
#define | _ISC01 0x2 |
#define | _ISC00 0x1 |
#define | _WDRF 0x8 |
#define | _BORF 0x4 |
#define | _EXTRF 0x2 |
#define | _PORF 0x1 |
#define | _CS02 0x4 |
#define | _CS01 0x2 |
#define | _CS00 0x1 |
#define | _ACME 0x8 |
#define | _PUD 0x4 |
#define | _PSR2 0x2 |
#define | _PSR10 0x1 |
#define | _COM1A1 0x80 |
#define | _COM1A0 0x40 |
#define | _COM1B1 0x20 |
#define | _COM1B0 0x10 |
#define | _FOC1A 0x8 |
#define | _FOC1B 0x4 |
#define | _WGM11 0x2 |
#define | _WGM10 0x1 |
#define | _ICNC1 0x80 |
#define | _ICES1 0x40 |
#define | _WGM13 0x10 |
#define | _WGM12 0x8 |
#define | _CS12 0x4 |
#define | _CS11 0x2 |
#define | _CS10 0x1 |
#define | _FOC2 0x80 |
#define | _WGM20 0x40 |
#define | _COM21 0x20 |
#define | _COM20 0x10 |
#define | _WGM21 0x8 |
#define | _CS22 0x4 |
#define | _CS21 0x2 |
#define | _CS20 0x1 |
#define | _AS2 0x8 |
#define | _TCN2UB 0x4 |
#define | _OCR2UB 0x2 |
#define | _TCR2UB 0x1 |
#define | _WDCE 0x10 |
#define | _WDE 0x8 |
#define | _WDP2 0x4 |
#define | _WDP1 0x2 |
#define | _WDP0 0x1 |
#define | _URSEL 0x80 |
#define | _UMSEL 0x40 |
#define | _UPM1 0x20 |
#define | _UPM0 0x10 |
#define | _USBS 0x8 |
#define | _UCSZ1 0x4 |
#define | _UCSZ0 0x2 |
#define | _UCPOL 0x1 |
#define | _EEAR8 0x1 |
#define | _EEAR7 0x80 |
#define | _EEAR6 0x40 |
#define | _EEAR5 0x20 |
#define | _EEAR4 0x10 |
#define | _EEAR3 0x8 |
#define | _EEAR2 0x4 |
#define | _EEAR1 0x2 |
#define | _EEAR0 0x1 |
#define | _EERIE 0x8 |
#define | _EEMWE 0x4 |
#define | _EEWE 0x2 |
#define | _EERE 0x1 |
#define | _PB7 0x80 |
#define | _PB6 0x40 |
#define | _PB5 0x20 |
#define | _PB4 0x10 |
#define | _PB3 0x8 |
#define | _PB2 0x4 |
#define | _PB1 0x2 |
#define | _PB0 0x1 |
#define | _DDB7 0x80 |
#define | _DDB6 0x40 |
#define | _DDB5 0x20 |
#define | _DDB4 0x10 |
#define | _DDB3 0x8 |
#define | _DDB2 0x4 |
#define | _DDB1 0x2 |
#define | _DDB0 0x1 |
#define | _PINB7 0x80 |
#define | _PINB6 0x40 |
#define | _PINB5 0x20 |
#define | _PINB4 0x10 |
#define | _PINB3 0x8 |
#define | _PINB2 0x4 |
#define | _PINB1 0x2 |
#define | _PINB0 0x1 |
#define | _PC6 0x40 |
#define | _PC5 0x20 |
#define | _PC4 0x10 |
#define | _PC3 0x8 |
#define | _PC2 0x4 |
#define | _PC1 0x2 |
#define | _PC0 0x1 |
#define | _DDC6 0x40 |
#define | _DDC5 0x20 |
#define | _DDC4 0x10 |
#define | _DDC3 0x8 |
#define | _DDC2 0x4 |
#define | _DDC1 0x2 |
#define | _DDC0 0x1 |
#define | _PINC6 0x40 |
#define | _PINC5 0x20 |
#define | _PINC4 0x10 |
#define | _PINC3 0x8 |
#define | _PINC2 0x4 |
#define | _PINC1 0x2 |
#define | _PINC0 0x1 |
#define | _PD7 0x80 |
#define | _PD6 0x40 |
#define | _PD5 0x20 |
#define | _PD4 0x10 |
#define | _PD3 0x8 |
#define | _PD2 0x4 |
#define | _PD1 0x2 |
#define | _PD0 0x1 |
#define | _DDD7 0x80 |
#define | _DDD6 0x40 |
#define | _DDD5 0x20 |
#define | _DDD4 0x10 |
#define | _DDD3 0x8 |
#define | _DDD2 0x4 |
#define | _DDD1 0x2 |
#define | _DDD0 0x1 |
#define | _PIND7 0x80 |
#define | _PIND6 0x40 |
#define | _PIND5 0x20 |
#define | _PIND4 0x10 |
#define | _PIND3 0x8 |
#define | _PIND2 0x4 |
#define | _PIND1 0x2 |
#define | _PIND0 0x1 |
#define | _SPIF 0x80 |
#define | _WCOL 0x40 |
#define | _SPI2X 0x1 |
#define | _SPIE 0x80 |
#define | _SPE 0x40 |
#define | _DORD 0x20 |
#define | _MSTR 0x10 |
#define | _CPOL 0x8 |
#define | _CPHA 0x4 |
#define | _SPR1 0x2 |
#define | _SPR0 0x1 |
#define | _RXC 0x80 |
#define | _TXC 0x40 |
#define | _UDRE 0x20 |
#define | _FE 0x10 |
#define | _DOR 0x8 |
#define | _PE 0x4 |
#define | _U2X 0x2 |
#define | _MPCM 0x1 |
#define | _RXCIE 0x80 |
#define | _TXCIE 0x40 |
#define | _UDRIE 0x20 |
#define | _RXEN 0x10 |
#define | _TXEN 0x8 |
#define | _UCSZ2 0x4 |
#define | _RXB8 0x2 |
#define | _TXB8 0x1 |
#define | _ACD 0x80 |
#define | _ACBG 0x40 |
#define | _ACO 0x20 |
#define | _ACI 0x10 |
#define | _ACIE 0x8 |
#define | _ACIC 0x4 |
#define | _ACIS1 0x2 |
#define | _ACIS0 0x1 |
#define | _REFS1 0x80 |
#define | _REFS0 0x40 |
#define | _ADLAR 0x20 |
#define | _MUX3 0x8 |
#define | _MUX2 0x4 |
#define | _MUX1 0x2 |
#define | _MUX0 0x1 |
#define | _ADEN 0x80 |
#define | _ADSC 0x40 |
#define | _ADFR 0x20 |
#define | _ADIF 0x10 |
#define | _ADIE 0x8 |
#define | _ADPS2 0x4 |
#define | _ADPS1 0x2 |
#define | _ADPS0 0x1 |
#define | _TWA6 0x80 |
#define | _TWA5 0x40 |
#define | _TWA4 0x20 |
#define | _TWA3 0x10 |
#define | _TWA2 0x8 |
#define | _TWA1 0x4 |
#define | _TWA0 0x2 |
#define | _TWGCE 0x1 |
#define | _TWS7 0x80 |
#define | _TWS6 0x40 |
#define | _TWS5 0x20 |
#define | _TWS4 0x10 |
#define | _TWS3 0x8 |
#define | _TWPS1 0x2 |
#define | _TWPS0 0x1 |
Typedefs | |
typedef Port< _DDRB, _PORTB, _PINB > | AVRCpp::PortB |
typedef Port< _DDRC, _PORTC, _PINC > | AVRCpp::PortC |
typedef Port< _DDRD, _PORTD, _PIND > | AVRCpp::PortD |
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