Classes | |
class | MultiPortInputPins |
class | MultiPortOutputPins |
class | CombinedInputPins |
class | CombinedOutputPins |
class | FlagsBuffer |
class | FlagsBuffer8 |
class | FlagsBuffer16 |
struct | Bit0 |
struct | Bit1 |
struct | Bit2 |
struct | Bit3 |
struct | Bit4 |
struct | Bit5 |
struct | Bit6 |
struct | Bit7 |
struct | Port |
struct | OutputPins |
struct | InputPins |
struct | Pins |
struct | Bits |
struct | BasicInterrupt |
struct | Interrupt |
struct | InputPin0 |
struct | OutputPin0 |
struct | Pin0 |
struct | InputPin1 |
struct | OutputPin1 |
struct | Pin1 |
struct | InputPin2 |
struct | OutputPin2 |
struct | Pin2 |
struct | InputPin3 |
struct | OutputPin3 |
struct | Pin3 |
struct | InputPin4 |
struct | OutputPin4 |
struct | Pin4 |
struct | InputPin5 |
struct | OutputPin5 |
struct | Pin5 |
struct | InputPin6 |
struct | OutputPin6 |
struct | Pin6 |
struct | InputPin7 |
struct | OutputPin7 |
struct | Pin7 |
struct | _UCSR1C |
struct | _UDR1 |
struct | _UCSR1A |
struct | _UCSR1B |
struct | _UBRR1L |
struct | _UBRR1H |
struct | _UCSR0C |
struct | _UBRR0H |
struct | _ADCSRB |
struct | _TCCR3C |
struct | _TCCR3A |
struct | _TCCR3B |
struct | _TCNT3H |
struct | _TCNT3L |
struct | _OCR3AH |
struct | _OCR3AL |
struct | _OCR3BH |
struct | _OCR3BL |
struct | _OCR3CH |
struct | _OCR3CL |
struct | _ICR3H |
struct | _ICR3L |
struct | _ETIMSK |
struct | _ETIFR |
struct | _TCCR1C |
struct | _OCR1CH |
struct | _OCR1CL |
struct | _TWCR |
struct | _TWDR |
struct | _TWAR |
struct | _TWSR |
struct | _TWBR |
struct | _OSCCAL |
struct | _XMCRA |
struct | _XMCRB |
struct | _EICRA |
struct | _SPMCSR |
struct | _PORTG |
struct | _DDRG |
struct | _PING |
struct | _PORTF |
struct | _DDRF |
struct | _SREG |
struct | _SPH |
struct | _SPL |
struct | _XDIV |
struct | _EICRB |
struct | _EIMSK |
struct | _EIFR |
struct | _TIMSK |
struct | _TIFR |
struct | _MCUCR |
struct | _MCUCSR |
struct | _TCCR0 |
struct | _TCNT0 |
struct | _OCR0 |
struct | _ASSR |
struct | _TCCR1A |
struct | _TCCR1B |
struct | _TCNT1H |
struct | _TCNT1L |
struct | _OCR1AH |
struct | _OCR1AL |
struct | _OCR1BH |
struct | _OCR1BL |
struct | _ICR1H |
struct | _ICR1L |
struct | _TCCR2 |
struct | _TCNT2 |
struct | _OCR2 |
struct | _OCDR |
struct | _WDTCR |
struct | _SFIOR |
struct | _EEARH |
struct | _EEARL |
struct | _EEDR |
struct | _EECR |
struct | _PORTA |
struct | _DDRA |
struct | _PINA |
struct | _PORTB |
struct | _DDRB |
struct | _PINB |
struct | _PORTC |
struct | _DDRC |
struct | _PINC |
struct | _PORTD |
struct | _DDRD |
struct | _PIND |
struct | _SPDR |
struct | _SPSR |
struct | _SPCR |
struct | _UDR0 |
struct | _UCSR0A |
struct | _UCSR0B |
struct | _UBRR0L |
struct | _ACSR |
struct | _ADMUX |
struct | _ADCSRA |
struct | _ADCH |
struct | _ADCL |
struct | _PORTE |
struct | _DDRE |
struct | _PINE |
struct | _PINF |
struct | _TCNT3 |
struct | _OCR3A |
struct | _OCR3B |
struct | _OCR3C |
struct | _ICR3 |
struct | _OCR1C |
struct | _SP |
struct | _TCNT1 |
struct | _OCR1A |
struct | _OCR1B |
struct | _ICR1 |
struct | _ADC |
Namespaces | |
namespace | AnalogToDigital |
Analog to digital converter. | |
namespace | Assembler |
To insert machine code explicitly into the program. | |
namespace | Collection |
Classes for different types of arrays, queues and strings. | |
namespace | EEPROM |
Functionality of EEPROM memory. | |
namespace | ExternalInterrupt |
Functionality of external interrupts. | |
namespace | GlobalInterrupts |
Enabling and disabling global interrupts. | |
namespace | Internal |
Only for library's internal use. | |
namespace | Sleeping |
Power management and sleep modes. | |
namespace | Timer |
Functionality of Timers/Counters. | |
namespace | USART |
Functionality of Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter interfaces. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef volatile uint16_t & | reg16_t |
typedef volatile uint8_t & | reg8_t |
typedef Port< _DDRG, _PORTG, _PING > | PortG |
typedef Port< _DDRF, _PORTF, _PINF > | PortF |
typedef Port< _DDRA, _PORTA, _PINA > | PortA |
typedef Port< _DDRB, _PORTB, _PINB > | PortB |
typedef Port< _DDRC, _PORTC, _PINC > | PortC |
typedef Port< _DDRD, _PORTD, _PIND > | PortD |
typedef Port< _DDRE, _PORTE, _PINE > | PortE |
Functions | |
template<class Register> | |
void | SetBits (typename Register::Type flags) |
template<class Register> | |
void | ClearBits (typename Register::Type flags) |
template<class Register> | |
void | SetBitsTo (typename Register::Type flags, bool value) |
template<class Register> | |
void | ToggleBits (typename Register::Type flags) |
template<class Register> | |
void | ChangeBits (typename Register::Type selection, typename Register::Type value) |
template<class Register> | |
Register::Type | SelectBits (typename Register::Type selection) |
template<class Register> | |
bool | IsAnyBitSet (typename Register::Type flags) |
template<class Register> | |
bool | IsBitsSet (typename Register::Type flags) |
typedef volatile uint16_t& AVRCpp::reg16_t |
typedef volatile uint8_t& AVRCpp::reg8_t |
void AVRCpp::ChangeBits | ( | typename Register::Type | selection, | |
typename Register::Type | value | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 81 of file IO.h.
00082 { 00083 typename Register::Type tmp = Register::Get() & ~selection; 00084 00085 value &= selection; 00086 Register::Set(tmp + value); 00087 00088 } // ChangeBits
void AVRCpp::ClearBits | ( | typename Register::Type | flags | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 60 of file IO.h.
00061 { 00062 Register::Set(Register::Get() & ~flags); 00063 00064 } // ClearBits
bool AVRCpp::IsAnyBitSet | ( | typename Register::Type | flags | ) | [inline] |
bool AVRCpp::IsBitsSet | ( | typename Register::Type | flags | ) | [inline] |
Register::Type AVRCpp::SelectBits | ( | typename Register::Type | selection | ) | [inline] |
void AVRCpp::SetBits | ( | typename Register::Type | flags | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 54 of file IO.h.
00055 { 00056 Register::Set(Register::Get() | flags); 00057 00058 } // SetBits
void AVRCpp::SetBitsTo | ( | typename Register::Type | flags, | |
bool | value | |||
) | [inline] |
void AVRCpp::ToggleBits | ( | typename Register::Type | flags | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 75 of file IO.h.
00076 { 00077 Register::Set(Register::Get() ^ flags); 00078 00079 } // ToggleBits
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