avr/cpp/USART.h File Reference

#include "IO.h"
#include "Interrupt.h"
#include "atmega168/USART.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  AVRCpp
namespace  AVRCpp::USART
namespace  AVRCpp::USART::Internal


struct  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::USARTBase< BaudRateRegisterHigh, BaudRateRegisterLow, ControlRegisterA, ControlRegisterB, ControlRegisterC, DataRegister, TransferClockPin, registerSelect, Cancel >


#define AsyncNormBaudCalc(BaudRate)   F_CPU / 16 / BaudRate - 1
#define AsyncDblBaudCalc(BaudRate)   F_CPU / 8 / BaudRate - 1
#define SyncMasterBaudCalc(BaudRate)   F_CPU / 2 / BaudRate - 1


enum  AVRCpp::USART::ReadResult {
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Receiver {
  AVRCpp::USART::ReceiverEnable = 0x10,
  AVRCpp::USART::ReceiverDisable = 0x00
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Transmitter {
  AVRCpp::USART::TransmitterEnable = 0x08,
  AVRCpp::USART::TransmitterDisable = 0x00
enum  AVRCpp::USART::ParityCheck {
  AVRCpp::USART::NoParityCheck = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::EvenParity = 0x20,
  AVRCpp::USART::OddParity = 0x30
enum  AVRCpp::USART::StopBit {
  AVRCpp::USART::NormalStopBit = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::DoubledStopBit = 0x08
enum  AVRCpp::USART::CharacterSize {
  AVRCpp::USART::CharacterSize5 = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::CharacterSize6 = 0x02,
  AVRCpp::USART::CharacterSize7 = 0x04,
  AVRCpp::USART::CharacterSize8 = 0x06,
  AVRCpp::USART::CharacterSize9 = 0xF6
enum  AVRCpp::USART::SynchroEdge {
  AVRCpp::USART::ReceiveOnFall = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::ReceiveOnRise = 0x01
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Speed {
  AVRCpp::USART::NormalSpeed = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::DoubleSpeed = 0x02
enum  AVRCpp::USART::CommunicationMode {
  AVRCpp::USART::SingleProcessor = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::MultiProcessor = 0x01
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::CharacterSizeConstants {
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::CharacterSizeMaskC = 0x06,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::CharacterSizeCheckMaskB = 0xF0,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::CharacterSize9FlagB = 0x04
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::RegisterSelect {
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::NoRegisterSelect = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::HasRegisterSelect = 0x80
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::Mode {
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::Asynchronous = 0x00,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::Synchronous = 0x40
enum  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::BitFlags {
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::NinthTransmitFlag = 0x01,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::NinthReceiveFlag = 0x02,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::ReceiveCompleteFlag = 0x80,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::TransferCompleteFlag = 0x40,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::DataRegisterEmptyFlag = 0x20,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::FrameErrorFlag = 0x10,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::DataOverRunFlag = 0x08,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::ParityErrorFlag = 0x04,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::ErrorFlags = 0x1C,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::TransmitterEnableFlag = 0x08,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::ReceiverEnableFlag = 0x10,
  AVRCpp::USART::Internal::MultiProcessorFlag = 0x01

Define Documentation

#define AsyncDblBaudCalc ( BaudRate   )     F_CPU / 8 / BaudRate - 1

Definition at line 35 of file USART.h.

#define AsyncNormBaudCalc ( BaudRate   )     F_CPU / 16 / BaudRate - 1

Definition at line 34 of file USART.h.

#define SyncMasterBaudCalc ( BaudRate   )     F_CPU / 2 / BaudRate - 1

Definition at line 36 of file USART.h.

Generated on Sat Sep 15 23:40:38 2007 for AVR C++ Lib for ATmega168 by  doxygen 1.5.2
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