AVR C++ Lib for ATmega168 Namespace List

Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
AVRCppBase functions and classes
AVRCpp::AnalogToDigitalAnalog to digital converter
AVRCpp::AssemblerTo insert machine code explicitly into the program
AVRCpp::CollectionClasses for different types of arrays, queues and strings
AVRCpp::EEPROMFunctionality of EEPROM memory
AVRCpp::EEPROM::InternalOnly for library's internal use
AVRCpp::ExternalInterruptFunctionality of external interrupts
AVRCpp::ExternalInterrupt::InternalOnly for library's internal use
AVRCpp::GlobalInterruptsEnabling and disabling global interrupts
AVRCpp::GlobalInterrupts::InternalOnly for library's internal use
AVRCpp::InternalOnly for library's internal use
AVRCpp::SleepingPower management and sleep modes
AVRCpp::TimerFunctionality of Timers/Counters
AVRCpp::Timer::InternalOnly for library's internal use
AVRCpp::USARTFunctionality of Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter interfaces
AVRCpp::USART::InternalOnly for library's internal use
CppDelegateC++ delegates (on example of .NET Framework) mainly for dynamic interrupthandlers
CppDelegate::InternalOnly for library's internal use
stdDelete and new operator support

Generated on Sat Sep 15 23:40:38 2007 for AVR C++ Lib for ATmega168 by  doxygen 1.5.2
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