AVRCpp | Base functions and classes |
AVRCpp::AnalogToDigital | Analog to digital converter |
AVRCpp::Assembler | To insert machine code explicitly into the program |
AVRCpp::Collection | Classes for different types of arrays, queues and strings |
AVRCpp::EEPROM | Functionality of EEPROM memory |
AVRCpp::EEPROM::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
AVRCpp::ExternalInterrupt | Functionality of external interrupts |
AVRCpp::ExternalInterrupt::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
AVRCpp::GlobalInterrupts | Enabling and disabling global interrupts |
AVRCpp::GlobalInterrupts::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
AVRCpp::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
AVRCpp::Sleeping | Power management and sleep modes |
AVRCpp::Timer | Functionality of Timers/Counters |
AVRCpp::Timer::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
AVRCpp::USART | Functionality of Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter interfaces |
AVRCpp::USART::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
CppDelegate | C++ delegates (on example of .NET Framework) mainly for dynamic interrupthandlers |
CppDelegate::Internal | Only for library's internal use |
std | Delete and new operator support |